Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a shoulder to cry on:

here's something i DON'T recommend, being super pms'y (which always leads me to being super needy) around a dude who is not my boyfriend! exhibit a and b:


Anonymous said...

he seems like a dickhead.

Anonymous said...

nate is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Nate rules.
-Chelsea Hodson

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!

Elena said...

Amazing, This Guy for president. I think the real issue here, though, is how do I get a sticker?

JONATHAN said...

i like this guy. best interview yet.
he tells you what you need to know or want to hear indirectly and it comes off entertaining.

Anonymous said...

what a dickhead, sorry

jesse said...

im so sure! as if nate cares if an anonymous commenter thinks hes a dickhead, which he totally is! jkjk i love you nate