he's a facilitator of dreams
he makes me laugh sooo much
he listens to me and doesn't wish I'd shut the fuck up
he actually likes to listen to me and hear what i have been storing up in my mind
he likes me
i like him
he is my friend
he's the most gorgeous sexy man I've ever seen
he loves me
i love him
he's extremely smart
he's charming
he's great in social situations
he drinks every once in a while-only socially
he's very successful and loves the work that he does
he's funny
he's witty
he's quick witted
i respect him
he respects me
he's the best sex I've ever had in my life
I'm the best sex he's ever had in his life
he's very stylish
he's great dresser
i make him laugh
he doesn't make me angry
i don't make him angry
we make each others lives BETTER
i am his best friend
he is my best friend
we have the best sex in the world
we don't fight
we laugh all the time
he loves me
i love him
i have no desire to cheat
he has no desire to cheat
we look great together
we are a handsome couple
i love how i see myself through his eyes
i am the most beautiful girl he's ever seen
he is my age or a little bit older
he totally gets my sense of humor
i totally get his sense of humor
he surprises me with presents: like Chanel bags (black jumbo classic lambskin bag with gold hardware-if not black, rosebud, but always lambskin NOT cambon and always gold hardware), flowers (white roses, tulips, red roses)
he has the money to pay for these things and not go bankrupt
he's cool
he's not a poser
he's confident
he knows who he is
he inspires me
i inspire him
we are in love!
*YES, i know i rambled and repeated myself, and said very BIG grandiose things! but who cares! love is crazy and exciting and amazing! and I'd rather dream big, rather than small! xoxo