it's why some people take their own lives. they reach their breaking point. they hit their limit of 'not knowing' and they give up. they feel hopeless; think life is too hard to go on living because they're unhappy, unfulfilled, and can't continue living with the possibility that they may NEVER be happy- that their dreams may NEVER come true. and in the blink of an eye, they are gone forever. having died at their own hand. there is NO need for this to happen. but it does and it's tragic. so, it's important to look at the thought process that could cause this dark hole of hopelessness, and avoid it at all costs.
we live in a world where phrases like 'you never know', 'just when i least expected...' , and 'who knows?' run wild. and they're true! you never know what's coming for you around the corner... good OR bad. just as quickly as you could contract herpes, you could win the lotto. and all you can do in the interim is live your life, be nice to your friends & family, try not to be such an asshole, maybe make people laugh if you don't mind, have a laugh yourself, and work towards making your dream become realized. letting it be bigger than just a thought inside your head.
but before you can do this, you have to KNOW what it is you WANT. do you know? when you figure it out through thinking/writing in an unlined journal... brainstorming like a kuh-razy person, that's ONLY the beginning. every day, do at least ONE thing towards achieving your dream/goal. even if it's as simple as 'i wanna be a chef' and going to the supermarket to grocery shop or signing up for a cooking class (and hopefully actually going).
all of this will help towards moving your life in an inspired, focused direction. giving you things to daydream about and aspire to having/being! but if you feel trapped in a moody, super sad hole of despair...... do ANYTHING you can to perk yourself up! NO, NOT drugs- smoking- or binge eating (and by binge eating, i mean BINGE EATING: like eating an entire pizza in one sitting by yourself. or emptying the contents of your entire fridge into your stomach)!
INSTEAD, how about seeing a movie by yourself; getting a small popcorn and peanut m&m's or red vines? have a vanilla soy OR nonfat milk latte (your call)! i mean, if you were ALREADY planning on killing yourself ANYWAY, why would you feel guilty about having a treat?! it's like looking at life from a whole new perspective! try reading the tabloids for free at the supermarket, going on a walk.... anything! even a bubble bath and calling a friend/seeking help from a profesh could change everything. you can even e-mail me. you see, getting so emotionally low can actually give you a whole new lease on life! if nothing matters, than you can be brave, and fearless, and choose to LIVE and not let others affect you!
so, just cheer up. after all, the beautiful thing about life is, even if you're not feeling your best right now....there just might be a happy surprise lurking just around the bend. i love you! xoxo
Thank you so much for that post. I've been having a hard time lately, I mean I wasn't planning on killing myself or anything, but I've just been so close to giving up. I wish everyone could read this.
Love is everywhere, from the moment of birth til the moment of death, and if you believe and surround yourself in the rays of the divine light of love, you will achieve your dreams and then some.
nice post.
ehhh, kind of an uninformed post. where's the sex stuff??
this post made me smile :)
wow, i needed to read that right about now. thank you so much.
My uncle killed himself last week...My family have been having such a hard time dealing with it. Like previous comments, everyone should read this.
I must say that you are a very giving blogger. You give of your experiences, your heart, and your time. You aren't simply posting pics of you and your friends getting drunk or posing with celebrities......and you aren't promoting your "streetwear" line......THANK YOU!!!!!
I totes got dumped on Saturday night and went straight to a certain WeHo hotspot for a milk shake and turned into a hot mess. I so needed this. THANKS ALEXI! xoxoxo
Interesting post - I think that working out what you want is SO important. This also means not worrying too much about what others think.
Something that I have been thinking about after years of self-doubt and worrying if I will achieve such and such is that we really need to learn to enjoy the process and not dwell to much on the outcome.
I know you have heard it before but the moment is all we ever have, EVER. So its important to be there.
Also something that has helped me is thinking how I can GIVE and CONTRIBUTE to the world, as opposed to a me me mentality.
Thanks BTW for your highly entertaining/funny/insightful posts. I have been following them for a few months and they have cheered me up on the down days.
I am from Australia and a friend sent me this link saying ' OMG you should check out this site its so funny and the girl is totally into the same guys you are!"
And she was right! Keep it up.
you are pretty amazing.
After getting home from work, running, and then devouring a whole pesto pizza myself (thanks for the inspiration), I've realized it is truly an amazing thing to be a man.
That being said, there needs to be a "imgirlcrazy.com" or similar. Think bonerparty but more first person, like "the average american male" (chad kultgen) but on a daily basis and a tad more aggressive. Recruit talent and expand empire?
i love you too.
i love this.
You made me smile :] and even cry a little
can i please be you..?
My sister came to me, and said that she had been planning on killing herself before reading this. You literally saved her life. I could never, ever thank you enough.
ate a whole pizza & loved it. i love weighing 97 lbs : )
I soo needed this right now. :)
love you too!
You are so wonderful! You're my hero, and I really needed to read this at this moment! So inspiring, thanks!
Pizza, fries, melted cheese ummmm every day, life is too short not to.
I love you I love you I love you :)))))))
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