now don't freak out too hard.....but i found a very cute young man for you! his name is dori and the minute i put my eyes on him at the 101 cafe I WENT MENTAL, had no shame, gave him a sticker for this site, got his number, and did a follow up call the next day. i was serious. DEAD SERIOUS! this was no joke for me. we have a mutual friend, so i knew he probably wasn't a killer. not only that, he's ALSO part of a sexy young dude directing trio. very modern, very hip and perfect material for imboycrazy.com.

i went to his house to do the interview and i was super nervous. i had to leave my jacket on cuz i had broken out in a cold sweat and didn't want to take the chance of being embarrassed by my physical freakout. upon my arrival, i EXPECTED to walk into a room with him and his friends raging, partying, putting on makeup for the hell of it, looking at porn, dancing in american apparel undies, eating pizzas and burritos. but i was mistaken.
the house was quiet and had an uuber serious/grown up vibe. oh shit! dori and his directing team were in work mode! no one wants to be around a bunch of guys in work mode! so i pulled dori aside, threw him into an empty room and together we pulled off quite possibly one of the BEST boycrazy interviews yet! don't miss a second of either video! it's too good! xo ps:look how happy he looks in these pictures! i make people smile and that's all i can ask for!
Could you poll all these gorgeous men you keep running into with a question from me? I'm bringing the sexy back because I'm on Husband Hunt. What kind of nails most turn on these fine specimens of maleness? Long, short, artificial? Colors that make their blood pump or inspire them to add any particular female to their next of kin forms? Thank you!
there's some things on your blog i've enjoyed reading, and i find the whole idea of it refreshing. but despite it being playful, i have the icky feeling there's an attitude creeping around your blog that is not good for women to expose themselves to. women have enough outlets that teach them to hate themselves. why assume guys hate giving oral sex? why harp on the so-called importance of skinny thighs? again i definitely get that you're playing around a lot of the time, but i don't think that erases the negative effects of that kind of attitude. this is just my opinion, perhaps something to think about. i probably wont be checking out your site so much anymore, but do hope you continuing doing well with it.
I think he's fantastic, and quite hilarious. AND SO CUTE! How the fuck is he single? And to Lexa, the type of nails you have and colors you wear do NOT get you a husband. Or really any worth while guy. Why would he give a shit? If someone is attracted to you, lets hope its for something more than your nails. That's pathetic. Also, why the fuck would you go on a husband hunt? Are you looking for something deep and real, or someone to put a baby in you? Married, buried. You make no sense to me.
He is gorgeous and has amazing hair! Great fashion sense too!! Why is he single?
don't be mean to lexa. she's allowed to ask anything.
but i love that lexa,anonymous #1 and #2 are all reading and commenting. don't stop. i love you. xo
oops I fucked the first comment up,
This guy is a good one!! Date HIM.
OMG. i just found your blog, and hello amazing! i hope you don't mind but i'm totally going to pretend i'm a 'satellite reporter' for your blog in order to talk to cute boys now. loves it!
Aren't you engaged?
i was, but that ended. they just wont take it off my imdb page.
did u meet his cute roomie john?
i spent the last hour plus reading every entry in your blog! i love you. x
hey dude! this guy kind of reminds me of the cute skater dude from clueless...the one that whats her name liked but cher was like "no you have to try and date this a-hole" and he like carried his lunch tray on his skateboard and drew pictures of marvin the martian...i know you know even though youre not into skaterds...haha oops, hey though thats what you should call them even though i think they totally rule. skaterds 4 lyf
oh i know EXACTLY who you're talking about!
ps: after seeing your pic of me in 'caught in the act', i think i'm over my black tote. the shape is way off. i need to rethink the whole thing.
im so sure! i like that bag, but im always feelin that way, always on the hunt for the perfect bag...maybe the perfect bag is the small plastic black bags they put your gum and water in at liquor stores? or maybe thats the perfect man purse?? i think so
oh hi again, i just wanted to be the 16th commenter on this post. what up babe!
i like your blog, its funny, but i feel no need to watch the interviews because i actually am a boy, so i'm pretty much sorted for boyness! I'm pretty much topped up in that area.
regarding lexa and the painted fingernails, me dont think that gonna get u a hubby, but as a male (i have a penis) personally i like and think most other men like women to be feminine, girly, so colours is good, also natural. Also if you can change the oil on my motorbike you're pretty much in!
thank you gavin! that was awesome!
Ah, an answer... Gavin, thank you for sharing your penis- I mean, opinion! Personally, I think anon and anon are a bit pussy (I have one, but yes I do still use it as a derogatory term; analyze that) to write so much about their opinions, but not identify themselves.
Dudes, Alexi is entertaining us with this blog, she's an entertainer. She's not a fucking philosopher or anybody's life coach. Kindly take your tongues and stick them in your cheeks.
Um, not your butt cheeks. KTHXBAI!!!1!
omg you find all the dreamboats
He is gorgeous!!
AAAAhhh, he' sweet!! Why are americans such prudes about sex? why so many taboos, eeks and yucks, there is nothing gross in sex! Going down on someone is yuck? c'mon, its like kindergarden!
I also don't understand why when he said he was 29, she is like, don't worry I'd delete it, like being 29 is an illness. weird.
But.... He, ladies is a doll!!!
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