He was friends with all the coolest kids. The elitist that you read about in all the cool mags. So I drank to avoid being ill at ease. I met the dudes’ cousin (a guy in well known band), his cousin’s girlfriend the photographer. And her best friend-a fashion designer girl with a successful line of clothes and her very own store. They told me that they only wore string bikinis to swim in. and made it very clear that they were best friends that comprised a dynamic due. It was not and COULD NOT be a trinity, with me included. I didn’t even have time to decide if I liked them, before they made it clear they were excluding me. But then again, my self-hatred was so strong that day-I could be shading this thing all-wrong. But I don’t think I am.
We sat around and watched network. The only one who wasn’t there was the woman who owned the apartment. I’m still confused at how the brokest cool kids get the craziest hook ups that allow them to float. We listened to Andrew wk and talked a bunch of random bullshit. And eventually everyone went home, leaving me and ‘the dude that taught me how to give blow jobs’ to ourselves.
I dreaded this, cuz I wasn’t feeling sexy or sexual. But he was slowly morphing into a self-proclaimed doctor. A doctor of sexy. Healing girls who didn’t feel good about themselves. He’s decided to take me on as his first patient. Ahh! He pulled my pants down, on the floor of the living room. My period was nearly over, but NEARLY means I’m still bleeding! I mumbled…”no, um, don’t…I, um, I’m having my female problem” (female problem? If I could have punched myself in the face to snap me out of my bullshit, I would have. But I was inside my skin. Too deep to see myself. And take ownership of myself. And stop apologizing for myself. Like everyone else was ok, or good, and I was lucky to be among them. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it!)
He didn’t stop pulling my pants down. Huh? That’s weird, I thought. I said it louder now, and more matter of fact “but I have my period.” He looked at me, and I looked back at him. His head between my legs, he just smiled. AND THAT’S WHEN THE GNARLIEST SEXUAL EXPERIENCE HAPPENED TO ME IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!
He very coolly and calmly, pulled my tampon out of my vadge with his teethe, tossed it aside, proceeded to go down on me..........and I’m pretty sure I came.
holy shit. that IS gnarly.
you're a trooper.
Holy shit is right! When I'm in the mood there is no stopping me, but in this case I'd eh stop! But bravo to the young man, may the passion continue!
Admirable determination!
You can be taught how to give a blow job? Really?! Alexi, the apparent master of all things sexual and wonderful, please pass the BLOW JOB MANUAL and all it's instructions to us amateurs.
HAHAHA major lols! what a trooper.
Aww he healed you! What are things like now between you and him???
holy shit! were the first words to come out of my mouth too!, and was also my word verification?
that's like a twilight fan girl's ultimate fantasy.
i know you and this dude weren't super serious... but a man in love will brave any circumstances to get down and dirty with his lady... or maybe i just bring out the nasty in my men!! haha. alexi you rule the school.
haha I totally know who your talking about from the hints.
ha ha
Your amazing!
AWESOME! bunch of pruuuuudes! All goes in sex, Its SEX! Free your being!
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