Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the boy at the casting:

now this kid truly shocked me and i'll tell you why: i was at some casting for a commercial and i saw him sitting on the floor looking all emo and shit and i thought we'd totally 'get' eachother! like the brother i never had! two crazy big eyed kooks lounging on labrea. man was i wrong! when i asked this dude if i could interview him for my b**g, he said he'd have to call his agent first...AND HE WASN'T FUCKING KIDDING! i started laughing because it was hilarious how serious he took himself. i tried to break it down for him by saying, 'no, seriously dude. this really isn't a big deal. i bet you a million bucks your agent will be happy you DON'T call him! honestly, this is a blog called I'm boy crazy; no one's gonna get hurt. for serious.' FINALLY he agreed and i pulled out my camera. thanks for saying yes lil guy! but you can't blame me for giving you shit! xo

the boy at the casting: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.


Marinda Jane said...

adorable. and he actually made me laugh a few times. nice. who's his girl in nashville? i live in nashville!

Anonymous said...

I like him, but I still want to smack him.

Anonymous said...

ugh not a fan. what is he, 15?

A chicette in Paris said...

How silly and sweet!

Kisses from Paris!



Anonymous said...

i wear glasses and i'd say i'm pretty hilarious... and i want him in my pants pretty bad

Anonymous said...

ugh, this guy is a tool...unusual for this blog

Anonymous said...

i definitely saw this kid on a liberty mutual commercial... the one about street racing..yep yep

Molly Steele said...

haha i did a Honda commercial with that kid!

Anonymous said...

this bro suxxx

Anonymous said...

Who is this boy?