This may be the BEST video post of a man boy I've done yet! I'm NOT joking. i tried to lube you up for this one with a 'charlie pre post'...but i don't even think that could have gotten you ready for this.
This is Charles Smith: a pure bred, 5th generation, native Los Angelino- brentwood bitches! he's a charmer and he's dangerous. not in an evil way, but dangerous nonetheless. no one is safe when he's around. he'll make you forget that you were late for work 20 minutes ago and somehow ended up in his van headed for Mexico (which is really NOT the best idea nowadays).
Charlie MAY or MAY NOT be a new character on the hills. all right, HE IS (i saw his handsome face in the trailer! it's not a crime to have eyes that i can see with, geeze!)...who knows if he'll end up on the cutting room floor? but that will ONLY happen if the presidents of show biz are kuh-razy! the only difference between charlie and the previous dudes on the hills is MAJOR: charlie is NOT a douchebag.
Sometimes i worry about him. he's in that bizarre, confusing, frustrating, stressful(i could use MORE adjectives-but won't) and difficult time between being a GROWN UP MAN and a FUN TIMES BOY. i worry that his humour (yeah, spelled with a 'u')and wit will be wasted on endless nights of raging at parties all around town.
PLUS, I'm not sure if he's happy and i wonder what will make him happy. but what i DO know is that he brings everyone around him happiness. (which is probably a lot of pressure on him.) that being said, i know 'fun times charlie' will be great no matter what, whatever he decides to do- WHENEVER he decides to do it.
boycrazy interview- charlie part 1: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.
boycrazy interview- charlie part 2: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.
please tell me you at least made out with this boy!! For crying out loud.
I have a closet full of wigs. Dreamboat!
is the video working ok for you guys?
for some reason the video doesnt go past 2:35
he is such a scorpio... with out watching the video i could tell by the description you wrote.
sigh... they make me nervous too.
check the videos again, all of them should be working and different now. let me know.
it works! im at the apple store now. they say you need to download the latest version of quicktime AND RUN MY BLOG ON SAFARI! XOXO
INSOMNIA>>>>I can't go to sleep, so I'm scrolling thru my bookmarks......I was so happy the Charlie video's didn't work earlier because at 6:14 AM , THEY are just what I needed to laugh. THIS guy is my new hero. "wigs...for who? ...For my girlfriend"...Charlie needs to be a weekly update. www.charliecrushed.com
your so awesome alexi! xoxo brookeeee
who the fuck is this guy? hes from the planet i don't even know....dude you asked him about that thing we talked about! i just finally got internet access and im catching up on the important things in life, but dude oh man oh guess what? i get to be one of those cool people who can say i saw your commercial! yeah i was like all bummed then alexi with rollers popped up on the tv and smiles came back. it was a good thing. do you like martha? i think shes kinda cool...in a craze way. ok now i gotta check part 2 of this dude...soo insane this guy like really??
he was on the hills tonight ...
I was soo shocked that I almost forgot to take note of the name. Charlie huh?? Did anyone peep that Charlie sat down chillin the whole time that Spencer was fighting??? Meanwhile, all of Cameron's friends where trying to get Cameron's back. Charlie was sitting in the same place at the end when Spencer was like "Lets Roll"... (that's just gay)no wonder they cut him out of every scene on the hills - ny mag makes fun of him too...
spencer’s out with charlie, who we’re convinced is a Life on Mars extra that Spencer paid to pose as his "friend." How else to explain that horrible seventies ’stache?
are we going to have to watch an entire season of this? As Heidi says: Get us off of this boat!
- ny mag.com
Guess who this is about
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