Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This is GIDEON YAGO! A male anomaly. He's you AND your parents wet dream! Bring this guy home for thanksgiving and you better not screw it up- or else your family will drop YOU and adopt HIM! He's THAT good! Not only is he smart, driven, successful, talented AND funny-but he's good looking and dresses well! Is he a robot? No, he's Gideon Yago!!! Star quarterback in the game of life! If you don't fall in love with him, you're MILF mom will! Booya!


Taylor said...

OMG!! i totally had the biggest crunch on him when i was a mere teen watching MTV after school!!

Ultragrrrl said...

this post is completely accurate. my mom, did, infact, fall in love with gideon yago and i don't want to even tell you what she asked me after first meeting him...

Anonymous said...

just discovered this blog today and i fucking LOVE it. the videos of the dudes talking about girls are ace. keeeeeeep them coming :)

by the way my "word verification" for this comment was p-hole, hahah.

Anonymous said...

does he have a girlfriend?! (boyfriend?)

boycrazy said...

he's 's straight! not sure if he's single though! isn't he adorable?!