I swam, sat in the sauna, lay in the floating day bed under a tee-pee shaped pyramid type apparatus. the people at 'we care' said that "it's good to sit under a pyramid when you meditate" or whatever. i forget why. something like, it helps you be more focused or it gets rid of negative energy or your dreams will come true. they may not have said the last part, but i sat on that daybed under the pyramid like a CHAMPION every chance i got! you better believe it!
LAST time I went to 'we care' (five years ago), I fasted for eight days! And by day four, I was in dire need of being f**ked. who knew THAT would be a side effect? THIS time around, I didn't feel like that AT ALL. But then again, i was only there for three days! phew.
LAST time there weren't any hot babes at the spa. but THIS time, there was a young-ish (early thirties) musician boy. he even had hair on his chest, which I LOVE! we chatted a bit and swam. but it was all SUPER platonic. something about a spa where you know everyone's getting colonics kinda kills the sexy. and besides, I have my eye on ANOTHER dude right now.
unfortunately i brought a super boring, practical bathing suit that didn't define my girlishness/feminine wiles one bit! good thing i WASN'T after the musician babe. he may have totally rejected me. i looked like a twelve year old in an eighties, french new wave film. which, in hindsight, doesn't actually sound so bad. if i HAD WANTED or been PREPARED to woo a dude into my room, or having a tawdry makeout on a lounge chair or the floating daybed, i would have been sporting one of two American Apparel bikinis that i'm waiting to be sent to me! the cobalt blue bandeau top and retro bottom or the grape colored ULTRA scandalous string bikini! they look rad. but, no. i wasn't wearing either. life is rough. i've said it before.
If you DO decide to come out to 'we care', don't bring the bf. it gets too gnarly and will ruin your relationship. instead, do what I did: lay in the floating day bed under a pyramid tee-pee/go swimming/sweat out more toxins and fat in the sauna/go in the jacuzzi/read a trashy novel/touch yourself/sleep/and write! Or bring your mom! she'll love it? Xo
this sounds awesome, also i wanted to be the first to post a comment....can i add that this post has only been up for like 15 minutes?
I don't want to hear about how thin you're getting! Jesus.
Yea...I didn't even make it past the the first paragraph.
alright, well, part 2 is as far as it's gonna go. tomorrow it'll be back to a cute boy with something to say. xo
More sex/life tips too please Madam Smug. X
I love your blog! And just out of curiosity, how many people read your blog Alexi?
is that you in the pic?
a million.
yes, that's me in the pic. xo
what's your scar from?
I heard it was from a knife fight she got into with a tranny who was trying to hit on her date.
well that sure saves me a lot of explaining.
omg, have suddenly, inexplicably and utterly fallen in love with your blog and have only got this far, so perhaps it's explained elsewhere, but now i really want to know! What surgery gave you such a beautiful tale to tell on yer belly? You astound. Thank you for sharing this crazy life.
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