this is Cali DeWitt. a legend in his own time. he's lived a thousand lives, is REFERENCED in books, and has awesome bros-(one of which kind of looks like Jarvis Cocker and has WRITTEN a book.)
Cali is/has achieved, so many things: co owner of hope gallery, a master blogger- yesterday and today, a great friend who will set you straight when you need some words of wisdom! he even runs a record label! need i go on, cuz i will?! don't push me!

unfortunately, when i ran into Cali, my camera was on the compact setting. and because of this- the video isn't as clear as it should be. i'm sorry Cali! this is what happens when i see you, i freak out in the best possible way and my camera skills go all herky jerky cuz i get too excited! i'm sure you understand! you're CALI!
why did i bother with the fasting and all that when Cali tells me this.....:
boycrazy video - hey, it's CALI!: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.
I follow his blog, I follow your blog yet I know neither of you. Did I find your blog through his blog? I do not know.
I know that he's half right.
la calidad de cali
Love your blog!
I follow your blog.:)
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