2. if you're put on hold for longer than 9 seconds, hang up/press end.
3. men put work first. Women put men first. Don't do it for a man, do it for yourself. let's change the way we think.
4. NEVER, i repeat NEVER wear flap pocket pants. you are not a joke! don't dress like one.
5. if you pick at an ingrown hair on your bikini line, people will TOTALLY think you have herpes. i'm just saying.
6. never pay for a man. let him pay for you. if you MUST, split the check. but only if you really love him.
7. everything is better when you're eating with chopsticks. Remember that scene in the breakfast club, when everyone stares at molly ringwald cuz she's eating sushi for lunch? Fancy beauties need sticks to hold their food and direct it into their mouth. Duh! Get with the program and join the club! fyi, you can't eat a pizza with chopsticks.
8. stop TALKING about what you're GONNA do and just DO it. nobody will believe you anyway until it's done and you've actually accomplished something.
10. it's super important that when looking for a new apartment to rent/move into- you feel SAFE! i can't stress enough the importance of feeling safe. not only in your apt, but where you hang out, with your dude, with your friends, etc.
Don't accidentally fall into the trap of being a fowl dirty bitch!What? You mean I can't wear my favourite comfy outfit around the house?!
I'm sorry. That was so lame it's clinically dead... I'll see myself out.
I like your blind leading the blind posts, they remind me of a harsh version of the song 'always wear sunscreen'x
This was funny, Made me want to do some cleaning. I have lately for about a week now been transforming into this "I'm doing it for myself attitude" So I'm glad you posted something about that.
i love you
Men put work first because women put gainfully employed men first. Men, on the other hand, don't care if a girl is a CEO or living with their parents between jobs as long as they're hot and into us.
Men put work first because women put gainfully employed men first. Men, on the other hand, don't care if a girl is a CEO or living with their parents between jobs as long as they're hot and into us.
....sorry but i ABSOLUTELY care if a woman is successful or not. its really important to me that a woman not only can stand on her own, but is independent, strong, and that im totally attracted to her. i find that independence makes a woman that much more beautiful. i cant be bothered w women who dont have thier shit together, and i dont mind taking care of my girl as long as she is self sufficient... but for some reason i do care if she isnt...
What the hell are flat pocket pants?
seriously i love this blog.
im confused. are you a woman or a man? are you a misogynist or a feminist? yes, its not all black and white, but you kind of are coming across as a real cunt here. soz.
Oh man you totally called me out on like two things. I need to shape up! Thx for your tutelage. xxx
#8! For real.
love it!
9. Out with clothes that don't fit! No you cannot save those pants for when you lose a few more pounds... treat yourself to new things! I too had a dress that would look fab if only I had a rib removed.
I guess when a smart, strong, assertive lady speaks her mind it makes her a cunt? That's a new low, even for anonymous haters.
WHOA I'm looking through the new Fader Mag and you're in it!?
i love number 9! i wholeheartedly agree.
Men DON'T put work first. unless they're a paramedic or fireman (yeah yeah?!)
you're great, this post is great, that's it - I loved reading this so much.
forget the haters with dirty mouths, they hide behind a computer screen and can't let someone freely write their thoughts in their own blogs because simply, they hate they can't write a blog that makes - them - unique, as you did/ and continue to do.
people - if you want to hate - spew your crap in the comment box then click 'delete' - instant therapy for you. Either that or go jerk off.. whichever. same thing.
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