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what a great random day:
So the other day, i was gonna MAYBE take a Pilates class- cuz I'm trying to incorporate exercise into my life-(BORING), i had a work thing to do from 11am to 11:19am, and then an interview with a dude named Addison. i had never met him, but 1. his facebook photos were awesome, b. he likes my blog, and 3. he has a very photogenic face. done deal. (1, b,and 3 were written on purpose fyi. feel free to steal this and say it in public. makes people laugh every time- possibly at your expense, but SO WHAT!) I was a bit sleepy and burnt on the dude interviews for the week. me, burnt out on talking to dudes?! who was i? anywayzies. we were meeting up at Starbucks on Larchmont. if he was a dud/murderer and i had to escape- i could at least have a venti coffee with some half and half, check out Larchmont beauty center next door, go to rite aid and get a flash light to shine on guys the next time i do a night time interview (so they're not a dark blob with a voice attached, as per the usual), or i could beg Marlborough students (all girl private school) to take my stickers/make their classmates read my blog!
But no. instead i made a new friend! Addison: a young man who's not only stylish and open to talking about his life and love experiences, but makes me look cool and hip- just by standing next to me, based on his youth and choice of outfit alone! i didn't know what to ask, how to feel. it wasn't a date, but what was it? just two random people talking about life. him in his American rag t shirt and me in my hm tights with an American apparel tote! this is what dreams are made of! while chatting about favorite TV shows (you've all been there) we discovered we both love arrested development! duh! are we not human? do we not bleed? and all of a sudden, in walks........Will Arnett! (in a white american apparel deep v and a dark denim jacket, if you MUST know- couldn't tell if it was Levis or apc. I'm gonna guess Levis.) Addison and i took this as a sign from our maker.....the maker of dreams come true! of ALL the Starbucks, in ALL the world, Will had walked into ours- mid chat over arrested development even?! come on! he was too talented and handsome NOT to be photographed and placed on my blog. and that's what i told him! i apologized for my infiltrating his personal space, and asking him to be a representative. i told him that i felt i could get away with behavior like this because i'm a girl and my blog is awesome. he agreed. he was down! if you look closely, you'll see he's wearing a sticker that i adorned him with. I'm sure it's in the trash somewhere now, most likely in the one right outside Starbucks! but i don't care. it was an exciting day! you're welcome! xoxo
OMG! i remember this, he was looking at my ass! jk but 4 real
goddammit link me woman...i guess i have a non-gender specific nom de plume, but still i feel a bit creepy reading your chick's blog, though the humor knows no sexual definitions.
This is my favourite entry yet, I think.
I didn't recognise Will Arnett at first. I'm surprised how, um, California he looks in those photos.
what a crazy fucking bitch. I'd dump her right there. god, as if she wouldn't check out another guys package when she has the chance. I can't get over how calmly that guy is telling the story
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