anyways, back to you ladies! it's in our best interest to keep that area clean and pristine! yeast infections, bacterial infections, razor burn, overgrown monster bushes, accidentally inserting more than one tampon and forgetting about the first one that's now lodged inside of you and is rotting, not to mention ruining your social life, ARE ALL NO NO's! yes, this is the grossest post I've ever posted, and hopefully will ever post! but it needs to be said! people are disgusting! i should know! I'm surrounded by you monsters ALL THE TIME! seriously though! you MUST go to the gynecologist all the time! you should get checked out every time you have sex with a new dude! I'm not kidding! you laugh now, but being a single girl-which I'm very familiar with-it's in your best interest to take care of yourself. no one else will! people lie! boys lie! girls lie! use a condom! except when you give blow jobs, cuz that would just be social suicide. don't be afraid of seeing your gyno over and over again! the doctor will actually respect you more and be happy you're paying her!
so, back to your privates! i go to a Russian day spa. i truly believe that Russian women are the best at hurting you, while simultaneously convincing you they're making you beautiful, and sending you out the door smiling with a wallet that's a little lighter than it was when you'd arrived. I'm over the whole landing strip thing! it's lame! how about natural but manicured on top (which actually makes your thighs looks smaller and balances out your body) and completely bare on the bottom (that's so it's considerate and less complicado for the dudes you let down there). write me with your feedback boys AND girls! I'd like to hear what you think! life is about constantly learning! RIGHT???
so-for a healthy vadge, eat yogurt, or make sure to ingest some sort of acidophilus or 'good bacteria'. and for the love of god, drink pineapple juice! you know why they tell men to drink it! why don't you do yourself the same favor? you can drink pineapple coconut juice too! options! how exciting! don't wear undies to bed (as much as you can), and try not to wear tights or super tight jeans all the time! let your privates breath! yes, i typed that! I'm disgusting! somebody has to be, to get the word out. I'm just trying to make a contribution!
Revenge Of The Nerds/80's Playboy Centerfold style bush is returning, but as a more refined/well-groomed version. This is a good thing.
P.S. don't ever do such a gross post again. Guys are reading this too and you're killing the fantasy. Thanks.
My friend told me about your blog a few nights ago-- it's amazing. and so funny. i love that you write about things women think about but [usually] wont say.
nice post. i think this is the perfect level of grossness.
my friend's mom started this company for "private maintenance"- haven't tried it yet but def relevant to post...
and has great pink triangle logo!
With out a doubt, your blogs are one of kind. :)
i am in agreement on the non landing strip. that shit is ugly and makes you look fat. it also makes you look like a cheezy ass porn star. and i agree with everything else bare for funtimes :) i would like to add that it is necessary to wash off before the morning make out kids. if you dont you're kind of gross.
amazing! hahaha
i dig full bush. its rare. when i find it i am fucking stoked.
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