i KNOW i'm not the first to talk about how sexy firemen are. duh! this is OLD news that carrie bradshaw's already covered! but it's a cliche that's REAL and a stereotype i believe! firemen make you feel sexy and are super attractive even if they AREN'T attractive or your USUAL type at all! i mean, the four people who read this probably find themselves with the skinny pale indie dude time and time again, and i get that! i've lived that! i support that! i'm totally a member of the 'i like dudes that could tip over if you bump into them/get questioned about their sexuality non stop.' so this is probably why my fascination with firemen is even more crazers. they don't have the 'band dude' vibe at all. my genetic coding says i'm not allowed to lust over a fireman dude....and yet i do. and it's not a crime.
some of them look like ken doll/beef cake/meat heads. but in that red truck and that official uniform, the term beefcake becomes the most appealing thing in the world. oh shit, i'm like samantha jones over here. but i can't stop!
i ALWAYS wave at fire men and they ALWAYS smile when i do. because they KNOW they're sexy. they KNOW they make girls w*t. they rescue people, they have muscles, and a paying job! nuff said!
the following video doesn't even BEGIN to express the SERIOUSNESS of the sexual prowess of firemen! it's more just me saying: can you believe i stumbled upon a table full of firemen? kuh-razy! soon, i will delve deeper and find a fire house to visit and interview the cutest of the beef head meat cakes or whatever! i love you. xo
boycrazy video- firemen rule: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.
boycrazy video- firemen rule: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.
LA firemen have got nothing on NY firemen...just sayin.
you are realllly cool!!!!!
dude omg that day on the phone with you was the beginning of the rest of my life... oh and NY firemen have nothing on HEMET fireman...oh yeah i fuckin said it!
i agree with loveroffashion!
also this is all so great and true... why the fuck DO fire men always smile at me/women??
lol @ the fireman who said 'they need a job.'
dude knows whats up.
Alexi Wasser shops in the valley whut??? Yay!
You crack me up!! I love that you totally asked them those questions!
pretentious as shit...i read about this blog in some horrible ass los angeles magazine i picked up for free...ironic poses, fake indie shit, all this is useless...
i know riiiiiiiiiight! xo
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