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when you don't know how good you are:

I was gonna make this guy a featured "what dudes hate about girls" or "dude of the day", but i changed my mind. i went to stalk him where he worked, and thought I'd say a quick hi, tell him about my blog, take a pic, and leave...but he made it so difficult i ended up staying there for like an hour till i got a photo. he was sooo camera shy. and the more i told him how gorgeous and good looking he was, the more shy he became. this dude i was trolling has a girlfriend and a baby, so there was no weird tension-(i DO have some boundaries) and i could be normal and not as nervous as i used to be when he was single and i would stalk him at wasteland (the clothing store he used to work at). I've been following his career for a while. i used to go into wasteland and start sweating and get dry mouth and totally freak out when i would see him! now, I'm free to be me! what a relief. i told him all this. how i used to stutter around him and think that he was a very striking young fellow who's exotic beauty could probably land him a lot of commercials for Levis! he wouldn't believe me! and laughed it off and said "shut up. yeah right." it made me sad that he doesn't think he's as gorgeous as he is-or at least as gorgeous as I've decided he should think he is! maybe he was just being super modest! i do come on pretty strong. either/or, for the sake of this blog post...his insecurities/modesty inspired me to write this! i hate it when i see some ugly, lamo girl or dude who thinks they're the shit and gods gift-when really they're just meatheads who moved to la and are trying to embody some cliche idea of what it means to live in la! like the tourist who visits NYC and acts super rude and harsh because that's what they think they need to be...trying to bring the cliche to life. meanwhile: an adorable, one of a kind boy is insecure and anxious when he's told he's beautiful/handsome. and refuses to believe it, all because he's different looking and not the norm! so, all you nerdy -cool-independent-interesting-individual-indie kids- what have you, who walk around town not knowing how awesome you are, with your hands in your pockets and shoulders raised to your ears with anxiety-know how great you are! no matter what, you aren't the girl with the lip injections, and fake boobs, or the dude with calf implants wasting their life hanging around the coffee bean and tea leaf on sunset waiting for their big break/sugar mama or daddy! i love you.
hahahha i love the guy with glasses in the second clip.
That's Michael Fenton.
whoa there psycho. he is NOT camera shy he is trying to get away from you. sort of goes along with the whole "stalking thing". boundaries are saying "hello" to an attractive person and if they're unavailable, it stops there. not recording them at work and perving out on them behind a computer screen. there are places on the internet for people like you, it's called
thank you babygirl. i appreciate the advice. god bless you.
Reading this post makes me want to triumphantly punch my fist into the air Bender-from-the-Breakfast Club-style.
yeah! thanks elena!!! xo
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